Enable Credit Allocations by Default

3 weeks ago
Status: Open
MVP Regular Contributor

I would like to see credit allocations enabled by default for ArcGIS Organizations. I believe that is an important prerequisite to setting up organizations for success, and avoiding unexpected or unanticipated organization-wide issues stemming from accidental usage by a one or a few people at the wrong time.

Credit-based Software as a Service (SaaS) systems are a new concept for many organizations and users. Having credit allocations initially in place would help protect them while they are developing their understanding of how credits work, and how they pair with their organizations’s GIS workflows and needs.

I think it is also worth considering enabling credit allocations retroactively for existing organizations.


I'm not sure if this is what you're looking to do, but you can set credit allocations by default for new members.

Organization -> Settings -> New member defaults




@MichaelKohler that functionality is only available after you have enabled credit allocations for your ArcGIS Online organization (see Enable credit budgeting.) Currently credit allocation functionality is off by default for new ArcGIS Online organizations. This Idea is about having it on by by default.