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Import Style from Layer

05-08-2024 05:31 AM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

BLUF: enable an "Import style from Legend item" to quickly replicate styles

Basically, this request is to duplicate the "Import Symbology..."process and apply it to legend items.  Obviously there would be some shifts, but the analogy holds: input layer, legend layer, Legend fields and so on.

Tags (1)
Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Are you using Legend item styles? You can save legend item properties to a style and apply it to other legend items. You can even set the default style item for the legend so all new layers are added using that style. Learn more here  Does that satisfy your use case? If not, could you provide a little more information? I'm having trouble understanding exactly what you are looking for here. Thank you!



Thank you for requesting additional details, and for providing the link.  I was saving as a style, but it wasn't showing up where I would have expected it.  I was looking in the area with the red arrow (below), and the styles show up in the Blue arrow area.



My original idea was more like the geoprocessing tool Apply Symbology from layer.  I was thinking of a "apply symbology from layer" tool, but just saving the symbol would probably be faster.


Feel free to kill the idea.



Status changed to: Already Offered