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10.2.3 - New Release

04-22-2014 02:40 AM
Esri Contributor
On behalf of the OS X development team we are pleased to announce the 10.2.3 release of the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for OS X - the SDK for building GIS applications for the Mac.

This release focuses primarily on providing a better developer experience when working with feature data in both fully-disconnected and occasionally-connected scenarios.

Unified API for feature data

Until now, developers have typically used AGSFeatureLayer to retrieve feature data from remote feature services, display it on a map, perform edits, and apply changes back to the server. However, this pattern requires a reliable network connection to be available at any given time, which may sometimes not be possible for Macs that are out of the office. At this release, a new class, AGSGDBFeatureServiceTable, has been introduced to help developers work with data from feature services, in much the same way they do with data in local geodatabases. This new class extends AGSGDBFeatureTable, which represents feature data in a local geodatabase, and inherits the same API to perform queries and persist edits to features. It also works with the same AGSFeatureTableLayer to display feature data on a map. This means your application can use same logic and code path regardless of whether it is dealing with feature data from a remote service or from a local geodatabase. Furthermore, AGSGDBFeatureServiceTable is more resillient to temporary network outages and more optimal for memory consumption because it stores feature data in a temporary geodatabase on disk, unlike AGSFeatureLayer, which stores feature data entirely in memory.

OpenSSL Updates
OpenSSL cryptographic libraries have been updated to 1.0.1g.

Other improvements

  • Ability to pause/resume long running jobs

  • Support for App-6(B) Military symbology

  • Improved auto pan behavior

  • Support for generic web tiles

  • Color adjustment to map images

  • Better support for synchronizing large volumes of data

  • Ability to batch local edits

For more information on any of these new improvements please see the Release Notes.

Visit the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for OS X developers site for more information about our 10.2.3 release.  We encourage all developers to update to this version of the SDK and provide feedback through this forum. We look forward to hearing from you.

- The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for OS X Development Team
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