Indexed-repeat Circular reference warning, is it ok to ignore?

2 weeks ago
New Contributor III


I have created a transect survey where repeats collect a number of geopoints (sections), then a geotrace question in the main survey calculates a line based on the sum of the geopoints.

I am also using indexed-repeat as well as position functions so that I can pull coordinates from the previous repeat record then calculate the length of each section. I also use calculationMode=always so that the length of the section automatically updates if the user edits a point.

I have the circular warning when loading the survey as described here:


However I have tested and tested again, but I can not find an error or mis-calculation in any part of the survey.

My question is - is it ok to ignore this warning if I can't find an error, or have I just not been able to find the error and should therefor not use indexed-repeat?

Here's a snippet of the repeat and also attached the full form




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