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ArcGIS Pro 2.7.2: Having the “clear” tool under the “utility network” tab by default,

03-19-2021 11:43 AM
Status: Closed
Legendary Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 2.7.2: Having the “clear” tool under the “utility network” tab by default,


It would be great if the ArcGIS Pro is enhanced to have the “clear” tool under the “utility network” tab by default as it’s frequently used during tracing (to avoid visiting another tab)


I’m aware that we can bring it manually but what I wanted is to have it here by default



Status changed to: Closed

When you are actively working with traces in a map, it is more likely than not that you are actively using the Trace Locations pane. Having the Clear All option on the ribbon, seems nice, however, we would still be forcing you back up to the ribbon, when the pane is, more likely than not, already opened.  


Instead we have provided the convenient access to the Clear All option directly on the Pane itself, so that you are only required to navigate to the ribbon on your first interaction with trace locations during any pro session. After which you can use the internal tabs to flip between Starting Points, and Barriers, clear any of them individually, or clear them all at once.






Thank you