Export to AIXM5.1 Log error

06-02-2023 03:36 AM
New Contributor II

Hi, I am exporting AIXM5.1 format  from Aviation data model . Please, could you explain me what is this error?

Error: Line 96, Column 26: element 'aixm:designator' is not allowed for content model '(validTime,interpretation,sequenceNumber?,correctionNumber?,timeSliceMetadata?,featureLifetime?,name?,abandoned?,surfaceProperties?,associatedAirportHeliport?,contaminant*,annotation*,availability*,extension*)'

Thank you. Roman





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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Roman,

This is a known issue that will be addressed in a future release.  Essentially, the exporter is currently including the ADHPSurfaceArea::Designator_Txt attribute for apron features, but this is not supported in AIXM.  Thus, the validation is reporting the unsupported value that it's finding.

Until the fix is available, I've found that removing the Designator_Txt values for apron features (for example, the "APN_EAST" value you show in your attachment) before exporting to AIXM will avoid the validation errors as well.

New Contributor II

Thank you for answer. And similar error is:

Error: Line 36, Column 73: time zone expected in '2017-09-18T00:00:00'

its missing time zone behind time ...is supposed to be <gml:timePosition>2017-09-18T00:00:00Z</gml:timePosition>

I have data model release 2.9. Will it also be fixed in a higher version?

Thank you. Roman

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Esri Contributor

Hi Roman,

Thanks for bringing this additional issue to our attention!  We have looked into this a bit more and, yes, we will be addressing the problem in a future release.  In the meantime, there are a couple ways that you can address this:

  1. One approach is to directly modify the AIXM message after export to correct the formatting issue.  This is probably the simplest approach, but may not be ideal for long term use with repeated exports over time.  To do this, you'll need to modify the date string in the XML file for each <aixm:certificationDate> entity (or any other date-only entities.  date-time entities like those in the TimeSlice should be ok).  You'll need to either remove the "T00:00:00" portion all together, or change it to a "+00:00" format to represent the time zone as a GMT offset.
  2. Another approach would be to extend the AIS model with a new attribute to store the date as text in the proper AIXM-friendly format.  For example, you could add CertificationDate_Txt with a Text data type to the feature class to store the date in the "YYY-MM-DD" format that AIXM allows.  Then, you would need to modify some of the installed configuration files to ensure that the exporter uses this new field instead of the original one.  This would a more permanent workaround, but is a bit more complicated to implement.

If you would like assistance with either of these, you can contact us at aero@esri.com or submit a request through technical support.