Add 'My Posts' section to profiles so you can view all posts you made

12-11-2023 09:40 AM
Status: Open
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MVP Regular Contributor

Unless I am blind, I can't find this feature. Seems like a simple addition.


@abureaux There are a couple of ways to see posts and replies you've published. Both are accessed via the My Profile area of your account: 

The Latest Contributions section features a few filter options, including sorting by posts you've participated in and by contributions you've made. I suspect you've seen this already and it wasn't quite what you're looking for in this case, but is worth mentioning.

The second way to search your posts and replies is via the built-in search tool. If you place your cursor in it and press enter, you'll open a search dashboard that has additional filter options that include Type of Post or even Status > Solved to see only those Questions that have an Accepted Solution on them. Note that the number of results shown at the top of the search combine any replies on a post so that a post where you've responded multiple times shows as just 1 result.

I hope this helps. Do you have any additional questions?


Seconding this! It would be a great addition to usability if we could filter by posts. Here are some things I think would be helpful:

- Filter of posts you created

- Filter of posts you replied to

- Filter of posts you have kudo'ed

We get a taste of this by seeing any ideas you have posted, but I want a quick way to find a question I posted months ago without having to go through my latest contributions. A great way to implement this would be to create 'hotlinks' in this bar. 


Jesse, I know you posted that there is some way to get similar filters, but I find this solution is not very user-friendly and doesn't include filters for some helpful things.

More so, for people who post great resources (one I often turn to is Ismael) it can be difficult to find their original posts. Having the ability to see what they have posted vs replied to would be a great help.