CE-2021 Get Map Features

06-22-2021 01:12 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

The idea of any user to think they are going to get a decent real-time landscape map to end up with a flat plane map is a bit low-blow. That needs to change regardless of the excuses of some performance concerns. That will be a game-changer when implemented if ever implemented. I have been stressing about this feature for many versions of CE that came to pass. Many especially game developers at large don't want to use CE mainly due to the long hassel of pipeline process. CE Team can eliminate that thinking by adding to CE2021 features to easily and quickly import or add mapdataCE-Issue.png to a project in question real-time exact location map.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Get Map Data and its capabilities to import OSM data (if available for the location you have in mind) is a easy way to get context for your urban design project. 

Let me know if you have specific features in mind that are missing.
