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Use regional date formatting and spelling everywhere in Pro

05-09-2024 11:11 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

Change the Licensing page of Pro to use the regional settings of the device. 
Currently license expiry dates are shown only in US format that can cause confusion in many other parts of the world. 

ISO 8601 is a good format (YYY-MM-DD)

10 April or 4 October?



Bonus points for adding the ability to set default scale bar text to the correct spelling of kilometre, metre.


I know you can create custom layouts/styles, etc. Not being able to set correct regional dimension spelling in a measurement centric application is a bit silly.

Burnt Butter Brownie points to then be able to export the regional config and use it while installing a new version of Pro on a new PC so that everything is ready to go when you log in the first time. 




Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @RTPL_AU This with ArcGIS Pro 3.3 Windows 10 machine. The license dates you're pointing out do follow my locale settings:


Whilst a separate idea, the part about unit spelling, see 

For the primary request here about date formatting, what version of Pro are you running, what OS and what are your locale settings? From what I see, this works, but obviously for you something is different...




@KoryKramer  I've fallen foul to Windows' regional weirdness and on some machines (all Windows 10 for some reason) there was still some non standard Australian settings in place although the default Settings dialog said the region was Australia. Had to revert to the 'Related setting' old fashioned regional control panel settings to get it reset.  Dates & times in Explorer and other apps showed up fine so never suspected something core was wrong.


Re unit spelling - That looks to be set per project and to be honest it never occurred to me to double click into one of the fields to try & edit them. Intuitive Design opportunity?  If this could be set globally that would be great. Greater still would be to set it based on locale.


@RTPL_AU Given that the primary idea here is already possible, we either need to overhaul this idea's title and description OR submit a new idea that concisely summarizes the different requests.

It would be something like "Set unit spellings at the application level or inherit from computer's region settings"

Since there is already this ongoing thread of comments that would then be extraneous to what is actually being requested based on the behavior of the current software, my opinion is that it would be cleanest to close this idea and have you submit that new one. Does that work?

Status changed to: Closed

The primary request on this idea was already possible. See this new idea for remaining request