Hi-Accuracy Storage of Coordinates with Web mercator basemaps and NAD83(2011) augmentation Not Possible

2 weeks ago
Status: Open
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New Contributor III

Currently, when using a hi-precision bluetooth receiver (Trimble R1/R12i and Leica GG04 Basic Plus) on Android OS 13 with Mock Location ON and a real-time stream based on (NAD83(2011) - EPSG:6318) GCS, it is not possible to store features accurately online when the QuickCapture project map is based on Web Mercator (EPSG 3857). Since both QuickCapture and Survey123 are identical in handling integrated providers, this issue persists with Survey 123.

A description of a series of tests on survey control conducted recently are attached which I hope provide the level of detail so your team can best figure a way forward to allow hi-accuracy storage of solutions meeting manufacturer specifications.

FieldMaps when setup properly on Android (Mock location off) both Trimble Mobile Manager and Leica Zeno Connect pass through the NAD83(2011) augmentation stream allowing a user with hi-accuracy receivers to store data in AGOL meeting specifications.   My tests reveal the same workflow with Quick Capture (mock location off on Android), induces an error on stored positions.

Eliminating this datum shift would allow the user community to use QuickCapture to store high accuracy positions, which are not possible on phones/tablets today and allow users to leverage the large market of hi-precision bluetooth receivers on the market today.  QuickCapture is an incredible app but we think it should offer the same capacity as Field Maps - use for hi-accuracy receivers based on a GNSS output other than "WGS84"

Here is the screenshot of Test results (Figure 4 in attachment) using the Trimble R1, Trimble R12i and Leica GG04 Basic Plus.


Hi-Accuracy Storage of Coordinates with Web mercator basemaps and NAD83(2011) augmentation Not Possi...  

@Mapping and GIS Solutions Community (trimble.com) Android Device S123 not using mock locations from Trimble Mobile Manager