Upload files in a folder instead of an attachment.

04-26-2024 06:56 AM
Occasional Contributor

Good morning,

Is there a way to upload documents in  Survey123 to write in a specific folder.

We have a file server with this structure:

\\[Server Name]\[Projects Path]\ProjectNumber   

When creating a new record in  Survey123, I need also to create a subfolder under \\[Server Name]\[Projects Path]\   with the project number.

How can I do that with Survey123?


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6 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Don't think so. 

Survey123 writes to a database, not a filesystem.  You could script getting photos from the database to your old school file folder. But that hasn't been a good way to do anything for a least a decade in my opinion.  IMO you should fix your workflow so you store and access the photos from a database where they belong.

Esteemed Contributor

What format are the documents saved in within the database?

If it is BLOB format, then how can you easily use these documents in non-ESRI apps where they might also be important?

This was a factor in why my org chose not to save documents as attachments as they were not easily available outside of ESRI software.  Integration with other enterprise apps is very important.  

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Occasional Contributor

Currently document are stored in a file folder.  The type of document stored in a folder could be a word,  excel, pdf, image, as-built.

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Occasional Contributor

This is my Plan B. Save documents in the database or ArGIS Portal in a hosted feature class.

But we store images, word documents, PDFs, Excel, tiff images from as-builts

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MVP Regular Contributor

You can do this with process automations. This is not a native behaviour of S123, which writes to AGO/Portal by default.

You can use something like FME or Power Automate (or maybe Make?) to achieve this.

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Occasional Contributor

That is a good idea, also to use Survey123 attachments and then, with Power Automate, copy these attachments in a file server.


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