UPDM 2016 Update 

10-13-2016 08:03 AM
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UPDM 2016 Update 

Please reference this GeoNet site for the lastest UPDM updates and releases.  This site is being retired and replaced with the new GeoNet page.  thanks

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Anonymous User

pat_dolan-esristaff lyoung-esristaff Is this UPDM going to be the schema for Gas when the new Utility Network Model is released? I thought the Utility Network will restrict the number of feature classes to five? I am going by the diagram SSP Innovations posted here http://sspinnovations.com/blog/2016/09/13/esri-utility-network-introducing-structure-network#.WQFVxE... I'm looking for a data model for Gas and for Electric that are ready for the Utility Network.


Hello Darris,

The gas utility network data model will be based on  UPDM.  The Utility Network will allow us to model all of the UPDM P_PipeSystem features by organizing them as asset group and asset type.  You’ll be able review the gas and electric data models during public Beta program.  

Thanks, pat  

Anonymous User

I searched Google, Esri and ArcGIS sites for information on how to join the beta program. Plenty of posts about Utility Network. Can you point me to a link to sign up for beta?


Hello Darris,

You can access the available beta programs on the Early Adopter Community site at  https://earlyadopter.esri.com/.  


Take care,


Which one is the principal difference between UPDM & APDM??

Hello Karin,

My name is Tom DeWitte.  I am the technical lead for the natural gas industry at Esri and the curator of the Utility and Pipeline Data Model (UPDM).  First I should state that APDM has been retired.  UPDM is now the recommended data model for managing pipe within a geodatabase.  Below is a list of a few of the principal differences between UPDM and APDM.

-UPDM is Esri's current "best practice" representation on how to manage pipe data within an Esri Geodatabase.

-UPDM is updated annually to keep up with changes in technology and regulations. APDM has not been updated for several years, as it has been retired.

-APDM did not base its relationship classes on GlobalID.  In order to support offline caching of data with the Collector application all featureclasses, tables and relationships must be based on the GlobalID field.

I hope this helps.

Tom DeWitte

Esri Technical Lead for Natural Gas Industry

email: tdewitte@esri.com

Thank you so much for your answer.



Is there a logical diagram of the database available that goes with the GDB and the XML workspace document?



Hello Keith,

No logical diagram was included with the latest version of UPDM 2016 Edition.  We are still looking for the right tool which can generate a logical diagram from a geodatabase.

Tom DeWitte

Esri, Inc Technical Lead for Natural Gas Industry

Tom - Is there any update on providing a logical data model with the UPDM download? 


There are no plans at this time to include a set of logical diagram posters with the UPDM 2016 edition or the upcoming 2017 edition.

Tom DeWitte | Technical Lead – Natural Gas Industry

ESRI | 880 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 200 | Eagan, MN 55121

Phone: 651.454.0600 |email: tdewitte@esri.com<mailto:tdewitte@esri.com> | www.esri.com<http://www.esri.com/>

Version history
Last update:
‎10-13-2016 08:03 AM
Updated by: