Scientific Data Management and Dissemination

04-10-2017 11:44 AM

Scientific Data Management and Dissemination

2017 FedGIS technical workshop on scientific data management using ArcGIS. This workshop gives you quick overview of scientific data, multidimensional hyper cube and how you can manage, publish and consume your multidimensional scientific data as image service.


hello gis community 

I would like to ask about :

what's the difference between clip raster and extract by mask


Hello @MAHMOUDBENDALOUM - Thank you for your question, but the document that you refer to is now 8 years and our technology and workflows have evolved since then. Tagging @HongXu for you.

@DawnWright -  Thank you I think I'm a beginner


Regarding the two geo processing tools, they work very similarly for common cases, the major differences are

  • Clip Raster tool now works with multidimensional raster. if you work with scientific data that is  multidimensional raster, the Clip tool can maintain the dimensionality. 
  • The requires difference licenses. Clip Raster is a tool requires  ArcGIS Basic license, while Extract by Mask tool requires Spatial Analyst extension license.


Hope this helps.

Version history
Last update:
‎04-10-2017 11:44 AM
Updated by: