Feature Class Attachments as HTML popups trouble

12-02-2010 04:53 AM
New Contributor II
I really like the Attachments functionality of ArcGIS 10, but I am having some trouble using them when it comes to displaying as HTML popups. I've created a Feature Class with Attachments in a File GDB and have chosen "Show content for this layer using the HTML Popup tool." Unfortunately, my .tif attachments are not being displayed. I've tried converting one of the files to .jpg and it does display. I am confused as to why .tif files are not showing up since the documentation does show a .tif file as an attachment. I would rather not have to convert all my files.

Additionally, what I really want to do is then have those files display in the Identify window in ArcGIS Explorer. Even the .jpg file is not displaying there when I add my File GDB. How can I display these files in Explorer?

One note: I use Irfanview as my default viewer. Could this be causing a conflict?
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11 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

.tif files just are not user friendly when it comes to displaying them in a web page. Popup windows in ArcGIS Explorer and ArcMap/Globe are just "web browsers in a window."  The standard <img src="image"> generally does not work for .tiff files in most browsers.

To show a .tif image in a popup window you can use windows media player or another "embeddable app", and use the <object> to "embed" it.

To see the popup in ArcGIS Explorer you will have to use a layer package.  Define how the popup should appear using the HTML popup layer property in ArcMap or ArcGlobe.

I have created an example here that you can take a look at.  http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=e9b5b2bacbda46ff81731d52066b699b

This example uses windows media player to display the .tif file.

This example is an NMC (ArcGIS Explorer layer) that references a Layer Package (which contains attachments) from ArcGIS online.

The HTML Popup properties for the layer package define how and which attachments display in the popup window.  Also note that ArcGIS Explorer 1500 fully supports the display of attachments in the popup window, but ArcMap / ArcGlobe do not (they only support the first image attachment).  However, you can see all of the attachments in ArcMap and ArcGlobe by using the identify tool.

When you add a geodatabase feature class directly to ArcGIS Explorer through the Add Content menu, it is not possible to define a popup display that will show attachments.

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New Contributor II

Thank you for your thorough explanation.  It seems like I will be converting my files to a friendlier format.  Oh well.
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New Contributor II

I have a follow up question. Is it possible to publish a web service in ArcGIS Server that will allow my users to view attachments through the popup window in ArcGIS Explorer?
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Esri Regular Contributor
Yes,  provided you are using ArcGIS Server 10 and ArcGIS Explorer 1500.

If you publish the package referenced earlier in this thread http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=e9b5b2bacbda46ff81731d52066b699b  to an ArcGIS 10 Server, the popup attachments will show up in the ArcGIS Explorer popup window.

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New Contributor II
Forgive my confusion. By "package" do you mean the .nmc file, or the .lpk that it references?
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Esri Regular Contributor
Yes, the package that it references.

Open the Layer Package in ArcMap and create a mapservice out of it.

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New Contributor
Yes, the package that it references.

Open the Layer Package in ArcMap and create a mapservice out of it.


How do we make the attachments work in Arc Server Applications? By this I mean creating an app in the server Manager Program. When I attempted to make this work, When I used the Identify tool and clicked on the point with an attachment ( made in Desktop 10), there is no attachment paperclip icon to launch.
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New Contributor II
So, you're consuming the new service in Desktop?  Try the HTML Popup button (see attached).  I've found it takes a couple of tries to get the service to respond with the attachments initally so click again if it doesn't work at first.  Also, you can check to ensure your service has attachments by looking at the layer's REST endpoint.  It should read "Has Attachments: True."
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New Contributor
So, you're consuming the new service in Desktop?  Try the HTML Popup button (see attached).  I've found it takes a couple of tries to get the service to respond with the attachments initally so click again if it doesn't work at first.  Also, you can check to ensure your service has attachments by looking at the layer's REST endpoint.  It should read "Has Attachments: True."

Sorry for the confusion, I want to use the Default Arc Server Application to consume the service.So when Im in manager I create a service from the MSD or MXD then I click the next box on the left hand side of the screen to create a Web Application. I choose my options (color, search, etc.) then I Deploy the Application. I launch that URL and when I Use the Identify tool, there is no option for Attachments.
Thank you,
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