Single Sign On using Windows Authentication

01-22-2011 04:17 AM
Frequent Contributor
I wish to deploy a Silverlight application using a single sign on approach to authentication, i.e. the users credentials are their Windows domain credentials.  ArcGIS Server services are secured using Windows credentials as well.

ArcGIS Server service security is a token based approach which seems to indicate that single sign on is not possible.  How can I generate a token unless I ask the user for their password (which is the very thing I wish to avoid)?
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
I'm not sure whether you found answers already.

If not, here's a link to configuring token service. It seems you can leverage existing Windows user accounts.

Also, here's an example of retrieving token from a given user credentials:

If you are using WPF API v2.1, layers have Credentials property. You should be able to re-use the same Credentials. If you are using Silverlight, your web browser handles user authentication.
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