Export Layout as GeoTIFF in ArcGIS 10?

07-14-2011 12:14 AM
New Contributor
Does anyone know how to export a Layout made in ArcGIS 10 as a GeoTIFF?

Many thanks for any ideas!

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9 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
If you mean export the MXD to geotiff, you can go to File > Export Map, select TIFF in the Save as type, and at the bottom go to the Format tab, and check on Write GeoTIFF Tags.

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New Contributor
If you mean export the MXD to geotiff, you can go to File > Export Map, select TIFF in the Save as type, and at the bottom go to the Format tab, and check on Write GeoTIFF Tags.


Thanks for your reply, but the thing is that I can not select "Write GeoTIFF Tags" since it is greyed out. Do i need to have PLTS or is there any other way to do it? For ArcGIS 9.3.1 I have used a VB-script, but can not use the script in ArcGIS 10.

Many thanks for your assistance on this.
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Occasional Contributor III
You have to be in Data View and not Layout View.
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New Contributor
Hi again,
Yes it works for the data View, but I need to export the produced Map as a GeoTIFF. I have done this in version 9.3 using a VB-script:

Public Function Export_Layout_Geotiff()

On Error GoTo EH:
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pDialog As IExportFileDialog, bOut As Boolean, pEnv As Envelope
    Dim pMap As iMap
    Dim pMapFrame As IMapFrame
    Dim pExporter As IExport
    Dim lOutputRes As Double
    Dim deviceRECT As tagRECT
    Dim printBounds As IEnvelope, pMapEnvelope As IEnvelope, exportEnvelope As IEnvelope
    Dim pGraphicContainerLayout As IGraphicsContainer
    Dim pPageLayout As IPageLayout
    Dim mapFrameUL_X As Double, mapFrameUL_Y As Double, mapScale As Double, resolution As Double
    Dim mapFrameUL_i As Double, mapFrameUL_j As Double
    Dim mapBoundsElement As IElement
    Dim mapBorderGeometry As IGeometry
    Dim fileName As String
    Dim pListDialog As IListDialog
    Dim counter, nSelectedMap As Integer
    Set pListDialog = New ListDialog
    Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
    Set pEnv = New Envelope
    nSelectedMap = 0
    For counter = 0 To pMxDoc.Maps.Count - 1 Step 1
        Set pMap = pMxDoc.Maps.Item(counter)
        If pMap.Name = pMxDoc.FocusMap.Name Then
            nSelectedMap = counter
        End If
        pListDialog.AddString pMap.Name
    bOut = pListDialog.DoModal("Choose the map for geo referencing:", nSelectedMap, _
    If Not bOut Then Exit Function
    nSelectedMap = pListDialog.Choice
    Set pMap = pMxDoc.Maps.Item(nSelectedMap)
    Set pMxDoc.ActiveView = pMap
    Set pPageLayout = pMxDoc.PageLayout
    Set pMxDoc.ActiveView = pPageLayout
    Set pGraphicContainerLayout = pMxDoc.PageLayout
    Set printBounds = pPageLayout.Page.PrintableBounds
    Dim PageW As Double
    Dim PageH As Double
    Dim pPage As IPage
    Set pPage = pPageLayout.Page
    pPage.QuerySize PageW, PageH
    Set pMapFrame = pGraphicContainerLayout.FindFrame(pMap)
    Set pMapEnvelope = pMapFrame.MapBounds
    mapFrameUL_X = pMapEnvelope.UpperLeft.X ' Map Coord
    mapFrameUL_Y = pMapEnvelope.UpperLeft.Y
    Set mapBoundsElement = pMapFrame
    Set mapBorderGeometry = mapBoundsElement.Geometry
    If Not mapBorderGeometry.Envelope.UpperRight Is Nothing Then
        mapFrameUL_j = mapBorderGeometry.Envelope.UpperLeft.Y ' Paper Coord
        mapFrameUL_i = mapBorderGeometry.Envelope.UpperLeft.X
    End If
    Dim dX As Double, dY As Double, di As Double, dj As Double, scaleX As Double, scaleY As Double
    With pMapEnvelope
    dX = .UpperRight.X - .UpperLeft.X
    dY = .UpperLeft.Y - .LowerLeft.Y
    End With
    With mapBorderGeometry.Envelope
    di = .UpperRight.X - .UpperLeft.X
    dj = .UpperLeft.Y - .LowerLeft.Y
    End With
    scaleX = dX / di
    scaleY = dY / dj
    mapScale = pMap.mapScale
    Set exportEnvelope = New Envelope
    deviceRECT = pMxDoc.ActivatedView.ExportFrame
    exportEnvelope.PutCoords deviceRECT.Left, deviceRECT.bottom, deviceRECT.Right, deviceRECT.Top
    Set pDialog = New ExportFileDialog
    lOutputRes = 96
    bOut = pDialog.DoModal(exportEnvelope, exportEnvelope, printBounds, lOutputRes)
    If Not bOut Then Exit Function
    Set pExporter = pDialog.Export
    lOutputRes = pExporter.resolution
    resolution = (25.4 * mapScale) / (1000 * lOutputRes)
   With deviceRECT
        .Left = 0
        .Top = 0
        .Right = pExporter.PixelBounds.XMax
        .bottom = pExporter.PixelBounds.YMax
    End With
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    fileName = pExporter.ExportFileName
    Dim pWorldFile As IWorldFileSettings
    If pExporter.Name = "TIFF" Then
       Set pWorldFile = pExporter
       pWorldFile.OutputWorldFile = False
       fileName = Mid(fileName, 1, Len(fileName) - 4) & ".tfw"
       Set tfw = fs.CreateTextFile(fileName, True)
    ElseIf pExporter.Name = "JPEG" Then
        Set pWorldFile = pExporter
        pWorldFile.OutputWorldFile = False
        fileName = Mid(fileName, 1, Len(fileName) - 4) & ".jpw"
        Set tfw = fs.CreateTextFile(fileName, True)
    ElseIf pExporter.Name = "BMP" Then
        Set pWorldFile = pExporter
        pWorldFile.OutputWorldFile = False
        fileName = Mid(fileName, 1, Len(fileName) - 4) & ".bpw"
        Set tfw = fs.CreateTextFile(fileName, True)
    ElseIf pExporter.Name = "GIFF" Then
        Set pWorldFile = pExporter
        pWorldFile.OutputWorldFile = False
        fileName = Mid(fileName, 1, Len(fileName) - 4) & ".gfw"
        Set tfw = fs.CreateTextFile(fileName, True)
    ElseIf pExporter.Name = "PNG" Then
        Set pWorldFile = pExporter
        pWorldFile.OutputWorldFile = False
        fileName = Mid(fileName, 1, Len(fileName) - 4) & ".pnw"
        Set tfw = fs.CreateTextFile(fileName, True)
        fileName = fileName & ".tfw"
        Set tfw = fs.CreateTextFile(fileName, True)
    End If
    tfw.WriteLine (resolution)
    tfw.WriteLine (0)
    tfw.WriteLine (0)
    tfw.WriteLine (-resolution)
    tfw.WriteLine mapFrameUL_X - mapFrameUL_i * scaleX
    tfw.WriteLine mapFrameUL_Y + (PageH - mapFrameUL_j) * scaleY

    Dim expProgressor As IProgressor
    Set expProgressor = Application.StatusBar.ProgressBar
    Set pExporter.StepProgressor = expProgressor
    Dim pCancel As ITrackCancel
    Set pCancel = New CancelTracker
    pMxDoc.ActivatedView.Output pExporter.StartExporting, lOutputRes, _
      deviceRECT, Nothing, pCancel
    Set pCancel = Nothing
    Set pListDialog = Nothing
    Set pEnv = Nothing
    Set exportEnvelope = Nothing
    Set pDialog = Nothing
    Set pCancel = Nothing
    Set pListDialog = Nothing
    Set pEnv = Nothing
    Set exportEnvelope = Nothing
    Set pDialog = Nothing
End Function

Do you know of any way to do this in version 10 - how do I convert the VB-script to a Python-script?
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New Contributor
Anyone with any ideas? I still have not found a solution to this problem, so all thoughts are highly appreciated.

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Frequent Contributor
This probably won't help but since you aren't getting any answers I'll offer it as something you might fiddle with. This is python window code I got from the 10.1 beta forums for exporting to a georeferenced tif. It is for the Data Driven Pages although that is easy to set up even for one a single export.  You would substitute your map document name, data frame name and paths.

My problem is I can't get it to produce a properly georeferenced tif from layout or view (although it seems to do either equally well); it is in the right "location but slightly rotated and compressed E-W.  I figure the problem is mine, however, so you might make it work.

I just noticed that when this is posted it makes no sense, the indents are lost and the word wrapping is odd.  So I'll separate the lines to deal with word wrapping, and note that the two lines after the statement beginning with "for" should be indented to work; one beginning with mxd and the other with arcpy.  The third and last line after the for statement is not indented and it begins with del.

import arcpy

mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\GIS\Moxie\a_maps_covertype testDDP_Mapbook_covertype_2010_anno.mxd")

df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0]

for pageNum in range(1, mxd.dataDrivenPages.pageCount + 1):

mxd.dataDrivenPages.currentPageID = pageNum

arcpy.mapping.ExportToTIFF(mxd, r"C:\GIS\Moxie\a_maps_covertype\testDDP_Mapbook_covertype_2010_anno_Page" + str(pageNum) + ".tif", df, df_export_width=6119, df_export_height=5706, geoTIFF_tags=True)

del mxd
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Frequent Contributor
I just got a confirmation that it may not be me, or even the code per se, but there may be a bug in ArcGIS causing the exported geotiff to be distorted.  So I guess you can skip trying the code out.  Sorry.
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New Contributor III
I am having the greyed out problem as well, ever figure this out?
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Occasional Contributor II
I am having the greyed out problem as well, ever figure this out?

You have to be in Data View instead of Layout view to export.
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