3D Polygons or Multipatchs

05-04-2012 12:28 PM
New Contributor III

I am writing to see if anybody knows how to convert  (if possible) a set of 3D point features (lat, lon, elevation) into a 3D polygon or multipatch.  I would like to use these points to create a minimum area boundary around the complete set of points I have.  I noticed that in the mulitipatch white paper you can create and extrude between two tins to create a complete multipatch although I am not still learning python and not sure how to actually go about doing this.  If anybody has and tips or pointers, please let me know.

Thank you all,

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Esri Regular Contributor
Usually when you are converting points directly to a multipatch, it is to maintain a symbology that has been applied to the point.  If you are trying to create a surface, perhaps using an interpolation on the points will give you the surface.  You can then use the Raster Domain tool to create your 3d polygon based on the raster.  In this case, you may not need the multipatch.
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