ArcGIS Mobile 10.0 upgrade paths for WPF and Windows Forms APIs

09-20-2012 06:59 AM
New Contributor
Sorry if this question has been posted before, I couldn't find anything via the search.

We are currently using the ArcGIS Mobile 10.0 SDK for Windows devices.  We use both the WPF and the Windows Forms map APIs in various Windows 7 tablet and Windows 7 desktop apps.  (We are not using any of the APIs for Windows Mobile).  We rely on the mobile cache concept to download maps to the device and work offline with them.

I attended the Esri Dev Summit earlier this year, and it was not completely clear to me what the upgrade paths are from ArcGIS Mobile 10.0.  Here are a few questions I had if anyone is willing to shed some light:

1. Is the ArcGIS Mobile 10.0 WPF API at all compatible with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF?  Or should we assume that we'll need to rework our applications to use the WPF Runtime SDK?
2. Does ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 still support the ability to create a mobile map cache, and is the mobile cache compatible with ArcGIS Mobile 10.0, and vice versa?
3. Is there an upgrade path for the ArcGIS Mobile 10.0 Windows Forms API, or is that basically going away? (replaced by WPF Runtime SDK?)

Thank you for your time,
Andy White
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