Offline App Need Internet

07-26-2016 01:40 AM
New Contributor

Hi Everyone;

Firstly, I'm newbie in GIS Works. I'm trying develop simple offline map application. As a beginning only showing map for test data like San Francisco.tpk basemap is enough for me. I have downloaded SanFrancisco.tpk and run application which it need internet connection. If I allow internet connection app trying to connect  Arcgis Server Street Maps. If I'm not only black screen I got. I have any written connection code Arcgis Server. How can i prevent this issue and success to show basemap ? Am i wrong way trying to show basemap ?

Best regards...

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

What I would do is sideload the San Fransisco.tpk onto the device and then in the onCreate method in your activity, add the layer of the Offline TPK and load it while zooming to the extent.

This example should be sufficient for your needs:

arcgis-runtime-samples-android/ at master · Esri/arcgis-runtime-samples-an...

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New Contributor

Thanks. I will try immediately this sample.

Occasional Contributor III

Hello Furkan ERYILMAZ​,

Did the above help resolve your issue?

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