Unable to register ArcGIS resource behind proxy server despite setting nonProxyHosts

10-23-2013 10:58 AM
New Contributor II

I have configured the geoportal 1.2.4 successfully on our servers within following environment:
OS: Linux in production and Windows Server 2008 R2 in development
App Server: Apache Tomcat 7
Database: Oracle 11g R2

I have set up the forward proxy information in gpt.xml.
Also, I have set up the http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort and http.nonProxyHosts in the catalina.properties

The Problem:
When I register external rest services resource such as arcgis online sample services it gets created successfully and also synchronizes fine.
When I use our on rest services URL that is publicly visible and available to everyone, the test works fine
and results in following message:

Connection successfully verified.

However, if I click on Create, I get the following error:

HTTP status code {407 - Proxy Authentication Required} received from server

What is surprising is that the map server alias is already added to the http.nonProxyHosts and still it tries to connect through proxy server.

But, if I register Esri MS instead of ArcGIS using a mapservice rest url on the same server as the one used for resgistering ArcGIS resource it works fine.

Is this a bug or Am I missing something in the proxy configuration? I beleive it could be a problem with the harvester code.

Is there a way to work around this problem without changing the code?

Thanks and Regards,

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