tiledbasemaps.arcgis.com not serving content.

04-22-2014 10:31 AM
New Contributor
I'm developing an app for a non-profit who needs to have offline maps of specific regions in the state.  I've registered my app with a basic license, and I have put the code in my app to initialize it.  The problem I am having is that when I try to load one of the tiledbasemaps.arcgis.com maps, my map is blank.  If I substitute http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com, it works, but it has limited levels of detail (as one would expect from a example server).  Is there a trick to getting content from the tiledbasemaps.arcgis.com servers as outlined in the iOS SDK guide?  I have mimicked the code in the DownloadTileCacheSample example, only changing the URL.  The URL I'm using is http://tiledbasemaps.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer.
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

The reason your map is blank is because the layer referencing tiledbasemaps is probably not loading properly. Did you attach a delegate to the layer? If you did'nt, you should do so and you will see that the delegate's layer:didFailToLoadWithError: gets invoked providing you info about the underlying error.

tiledbasemaps is available only for users with an organization subscription to ArcGIS.com. To access it from the SDK, you need to provide a credential (AGSCredential) to the layer representing a valid user account belonging to that subscription.
Take a look at the oAuth Login Sample that shows you how to connect to ArcGIS.com using a org subscription account.
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