Adding manipulated data to infoSymbol

03-09-2012 04:34 AM
New Contributor III
Haven't spent a lot of time on this yet, but is there a way to pass a manipulated data class such as a parcel that contains attributes (owner name, city, st, etc) that are not included within the graphic's query results?  So basically instead of displaying data.OWNERNAME it would be parcel.OWNERNAME. Any suggestions?
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2 Replies
New Contributor III
Not sure my question makes a lot of sense...but basically i want to add information from the main application to the infosymbol that is not included within the feature's attributes.  Any help appreciated!
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MVP Emeritus

   I have never actually tried what you are attempting but you could import mx.core.FlexGlobals and then use FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication to get access to public vars in your app.

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