Batch geocoding several addresses in Arcgis FLEX

01-09-2015 02:59 PM
New Contributor

Hello !!

I'm trying to map several points in the map, all of them are cities, I used the example from the example in ArcGIS Geocode an Address, and I locate it well, but I just can map ONE at a time.

In this section :

public var lugares:Array = new Array("GUADALAJARA", "ECATEPEC"); //Cities from Mexico 
var parameters:AddressToLocationsParameters = new AddressToLocationsParameters(); 
//parameters such as 'SingleLine' are dependent upon the locator service used. 
//parameters.address = { SingleLine: onelineaddress }; 
parameters.addresses = lugares ; // Use outFields to get back extra information 
// The exact fields available depends on the specific locator service used. 
parameters.outFields = [ "Loc_name" ]; 
locator.addressesToLocations(parameters, new AsyncResponder(onResult, onFault)); 

when I changed the instructions to plural parameters.addresses = lugares and locator.addressesToLocations It displays an error that a Token must be added and 499 error code,I added token:Object = null but nothing, that error I googled it and it says that the locator service may have permissions... Does anyone has another link? I can't find it, or another solution to map cities? There is going to be more than 2 cities, (just 4 my test I used 2, but it will be maybe hundreds obtained from DB).

I really need a clue how to start this, cause I already code some things but this requirement is still missing, and I don't now where to start...


The requirement is, select some filters and make a query in flex ( done) get the information from the Oracle DB (1...n rows) where the row is the city. (done)

Then this array collection somehow map them I don't know if using the locator class, and if it is indeed using the locator class, how do I use it ? or is it another way? And I really want the solution of make a batch geocoding, because iterating the example from arcgis It's really inefficient.

Thanks in advance

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MVP Emeritus


    You need to read the documentation.

An ArcGIS Online organizational account is required to use the batch geocoding functionality provided by the World Geocoding Service.

geocodeAddresses—ArcGIS REST API: World Geocoding Service | ArcGIS for Developers

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