Dynamic Legend widget loads blank w/ Flex 2.1, ArcGIS 10.0

08-02-2011 08:15 AM
New Contributor II
I downloaded and installed "Dynamic Legend Widget For Flex Viewer 2.4", hoping it would work for Flex 2.1.
To avoid error "Error #1069: Property version not found...", I had to comment 2 "if" statements: "if(layer.version >= 10.01)".
Now the widget loads, but is blank (see attached screenshot).
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15 Replies
New Contributor II
SOLUTION TO BLANK WIDGET: Map services were pointing to a 9.3 environment. When I changed my config.xml to a 10 environment, I saw the legend load dynamically based on the map!
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MVP Emeritus

   Glad you got it working. To bad your still 3 version behind the curve though.
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New Contributor III
Hi Guys,
Just upgraded to 10x but the legend is still blank, Any suggestions?
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New Contributor III

   Glad you got it working. To bad your still 3 version behind the curve though.

   I have a flex 3 app using the 2.1 version of the dynamic legend and the client is complaining that sometimes the legend comes up blank. They say they get around it by refreshing their browser. Any ideas on this?  I feel bad the client has to deal with it in this way but i'm having a hard time recreating and troubleshoting this issue. Your help is appreciated.

Thanks, Gary
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MVP Emeritus

   Way back then the images for the legend were getting created on the server in the output folder and the server has a configured amount of time before it goes and deletes all the contents of that folder. That is likely the issue. The clean up interval can be adjusted in Server Manager. If you would move them to 2.4 they would not have this issue.
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New Contributor III
Oh, I was under the impression that images in the output folder were deleted within minutes, not seconds?  I would love to move them to 2.4 but this was a many thousand dollar custom app with a lot of code and there is no budget to migrate the whole thing to 2.4. We are just on the hook for maintenance.  So am I understanding you right that within seconds after the loadLegend is called that if the app doesn't finish loading in time, the legend images will be deleted?  Do I have any options short of migrating to flash 4 and api 2.4?


I went back and opened the folder while I was running the app and nothing was being added to the output folder for that map service. Seemed a little strange.
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MVP Emeritus

   No definitely not seconds or even minutes usually hours. I was guessing that this was the issue you were encountering, so this might not be it. This just a symptom I remember from back then that people who used the widget for several hours would have the issue because the image was deleted on the server.

!!!! EDIT Gary I was actually think of pre Flex Viewer 2.x... Sorry.

So the question is what service pack is the client using on their ArcGIS Server?
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New Contributor III
   It looks like the client is using ArcGIS Server/Desktop 9.3.1 with no service packs.
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MVP Emeritus

   Hmm... If the client is using a 9.3.1 ArcGIS Server than you would have had to install the asp web service that made the SOAP requests to generate the swatches. Do you remember doing this? Is the legend issue actually sporadic or actually never works?
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