featureLayer.refresh() not updating symbology after attribute edit

08-27-2014 07:43 AM
Occasional Contributor II


     I have a flex application that updates the attributes of a feature layer. I am able to update the attributes just fine at run time. However, when I run myFeatureLayer.refresh() in my editsComplete event handler, the symbology of my layer does not update. It is not until I reload the application that my edits are reflected in the symbology. Am I missing soimething?

Thanks, Tyler

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3 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   Have you set disableClientCaching on the FeatureLayer?

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Occasional Contributor II

Thanks for getting back with me so soon. In my code I just tried setting the featurelayer's disableClientCaching property to true and it does not work.

I am however, able to remove my feature layer from my map and then add it back in to force the symbology update. It's too choppy a ride for production use though.

Thanks, Tyler

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MVP Emeritus


   Strange... Normally setting the disableClientCaching to true and calling refresh is all that is needed.

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