Featurelayer timedefinition issue - can someone help?

08-27-2013 02:32 AM
Occasional Contributor
In my basic Flex application I have a few layers that are displayed and refreshed at 20second intervals. The application is designed to be shown on display screen to give users a sitrep. One of my layers is a feature layer that is time aware. It is set up in snapshot mode.

A complication is - that for purposes of this app ??? the day runs from 0400 to 0400 NOT midnight to midnight. So......

In my init function-  I have in order to refresh this layer every 20 seconds.

setInterval(queryPublishedTraceLayer, 20000);

The queryPublishedTraceLayer function is:

      //for the published traces we need to only get todays. Day runs from 4am to 4am

                  private function queryPublishedTraceLayer():void

                        //get correct date and times first


                        //set time extent for the published traces layer (NB layer mode must be snapshot for this to work).

                        publishedTracesLayer.timeDefinition = timeExt;

                        //refresh published traces layer.



The function that sets up the dates is:

private function setDates():void

                        //check the date time if time is less than 0400 then "todays date" is actually yesterday as Range times run from 0400 to 0400
                        var dateNow:Date = new Date();

                        var todayStart:Date = new Date();            

                        if (dateNow.hours < 4)

                              //If the current time is between 00:00 and 04:00 then "todays date" - in range terms - is technically yesterdays date 
                              // as 24 hour period on range runs from 0400-0400. Set todayStart to be yesterdays date

                              todayStart.date = dateNow.date -1;


                        //todays date for display is today @ 0400 until tomorrow at 0400 so set times               

                        todayStart.hours = 4;

                        todayStart.minutes = 0;

                        todayStart.seconds = 0;

                        todayStart.milliseconds = 0;

                        //set todays end date - which is actually tomorrow at 0400. 

                        var todayEnd:Date = new Date(todayStart.fullYear, todayStart.month, todayStart.date + 1, 4,0,0,0);

                        //set time extents

                        timeExt.startTime = todayStart;

                        timeExt.endTime = todayEnd;

                        //destroy date objects

                        dateNow = null;

                        todayStart = null;

                        todayEnd = null;

Time ext is set up at application level:

private var timeExt:TimeExtent = new TimeExtent();

When debugging, the output for timext is as follows:

endTime              <Wed Aug 28 04:00:00 GMT+0100 2013> (@e05cf01)      
startTime             <Tue Aug 27 04:00:00 GMT+0100 2013> (@e05cf21)        

I have saved some test features in my feature class and all are displaying as expected EXCEPT one, which has it's end date set to 27th August 03:59:00. Based on the fact I have set the times up so that "today" starts at 0400 and ends tomorrow at 0400, I would not expect this feature to show in the display.

Can anyone point me in the direction of what I may have done wrong, to cause this feature to display when I don't want it to?

Hope this makes sense and someone can help.
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