Bug with append using ArcGIS API for Python

04-08-2024 02:42 AM
Occasional Contributor II

Hi everyone,

Has anyone experience a bug with append module in Portal for ArcGIS?

Append shapefile to feature layer -> doesn't work

Append featureCollection to feature layer -> doesn't work

Append CSV  to feature layer -> works

However, in ArcGIS Online everything works fine.


Please let me know if anyone this is a bug or if there is any workaround.

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5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor


BUG-000141373 for ArcGIS GIS Server (esri.com)

BUG-000131932 for Portal for ArcGIS (esri.com)

but there are others related to 



... sort of retired...
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Occasional Contributor II

Thank you @DanPatterson. I'm facing issue with 'Append feature' function in API for python. I believe these bugs are for arcpy 'Append tool'....

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

You might be better off going to the github site and examining the issues section

Issue search results (github.com)

since "append" will use either arcpy or shapely methods depending on installation

... sort of retired...
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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @GeeteshSingh07,

Can you post some of the code that is not working for you?

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Occasional Contributor II

@JakeSkinner thank you for looking into it. Yes, the code is:


poly_layer = gis.content.get("e7e052cc4ad044798c4f5a6c893f20a3")

target_FL = poly_layer.layers[0]

status= target_FL.append(item_id="0472cbe2496c48e580f56d5c04155182",                        upload_format='shapefile',

                        field_mappings=[{"name":"OBJECTID", "source":"FID"}],





Here, target_FL is feature layer on ArcGIS Portal & "0472cbe2496c48e580f56d5c04155182" is itemID of a shapefile.

Also, if we use featureCollection instead of shapefile, it doesn't work either.

Reference: https://developers.arcgis.com/python/guide/appending-features/

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