Custom Maptip

06-11-2010 12:54 AM
New Contributor II
I'm creating a multitouch version. And would like to create custom map tip behavior on the graphic layer. I would like to show 2 or more maptips simultaneously and also add a close button so as to let the user close the map tip when desired.

any guide, suggestions, advice, samples on doing so?

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1 Reply
Esri Frequent Contributor
Morten gave some interesting clues in this discussion :

You don't create a MapTip as such. You just instantiate a usercontrol that contains the information you need, add it to the page, and position at the click position (you can use e.GetPosition(parentOfMyCustomMapTopControl) to get that location). Use the margins/alignments on the control to position it.

Hope this help.
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