GPMultiValue:GPString data type in Silverlight API?

07-21-2010 08:05 AM
New Contributor
Am I correct to say that I can't use GPMultivalue data type in the API for Silverlight? It seems like it's not valid and missing a reference.

I don't see it anywhere in the API reference since I want to use the Extract Data and Email Task which takes in multiple layers as inputs for clipping to a polygon. So far I modified the model so it is fixed which layers are clipped so it is working fine.

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7 Replies
New Contributor
It happened to me also!!:eek:
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Got the reply from ESRI Staff that it will be an enhancement in the next release so just have to wait for it.

NIM059547:  Include a class for GPMultiValue in the Silverlight API
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New Contributor
This seems like quite the 'oops'.  Any word on when this fix will happen?  I still need my users to be able to choose their layers, has anyone found a work around?
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GPMultiValue is now supported in 2.1 version of the API:
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That is good news.  I am having trouble hard coding some values in there for testing though.  Can I get an example of this in action?
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New Contributor
The concept is actually the same. Please refer to the SDK sample at and in JobCompleted event handler of the Geoprocessor task check for "GPMultiValue"parameter type (instead of "GPFeatureRecordSetLayer") to get their values while iterating through the results.
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New Contributor

I'm new to the Silverlight API and executing GP Tasks using ArcGIS Server. I have created a custom GP Task that allows the user to select from a list of layers. The GP Task that is published is expecting a multivalue layer list. When executing this task from my silverlight app, I'm guessing I need to pass a GPMultivalue in the parameter list. I'm having difficulties getting this to work. Is there an example of how I pass in a list of layers as parameters to the GPMultivalue object?

Thanks so much!

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