How to create ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer

07-27-2011 12:20 PM
New Contributor II
OK guys, don't be hard on me.

I used to be a developer for avenue (Arc 3.x) and then become aspx and silverlight developer. I am eager to know building silverlight mapping applications but stuck in ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.

How to create ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer? Where do I start building the services? Can I do it in .net (VS 2010)? I have plenty of data with X and Y coordinates and polygons that needs to be displayed on the silverlight page. I have the project but referencing to esri servers (which is great) but need my own data to show on the map.

I have ArcGIS server manager, ArcGIS server 9.3 and 10, Silverlight 5 and 10 years in skills.
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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer actually means a dynamic(not cached) map service published by ArcGIS Server, which is in REST format.
So, to render you own data in silverlight app, all you need to do is to prepare your own ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, which can be done by publishing your data by using ArcGIS Server.
TODO list:
1. Prepare your data in arcmap and save them in a mxd file.
2. Using ArcGIS Server to publish the .mxd file as a map service.
3. Got the REST url of your map service.
4. Set the url to ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.

However, there have some details you may should know, such as difference between .mxd and .msd file, set resource read permissions to ArcGISSOC account, etc.
All of these can be found here:
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