Invalid Token

10-22-2013 02:58 PM
New Contributor III
Hi, i'm trying to call a route task on ArcGis Online with a token, however the parameter in the expiration's token is too short, as I investigated this time is on miliseconds and starts to run from january 1rst 1970; I'm getting on that parameter the following number: 1382489118263; so it finish more or less this year on september 21 invalidating my token.
I'm using the following URL to create the token:

and the following parameters to request the token:
*"request": "getToken"
*"username": my user name on the ESRI global account
*"password": my password on the ESRI global account
*"referer": the URL of my web application, for example http://myserver/mywebapp
*"expiration": "60"
*"f": "json" requesting the response in jason format

Can anybody tell me if there is something wrong?
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