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AppStudio For ArcGIS 1.3 is now available on

11-30-2016 07:37 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
1 2 988

AppStudio for ArcGIS is now available. Go directly to the product website and sign in with a Named User account to

  • create an app from a template, directly on the web, or,
  • download AppStudio for ArcGIS Desktop Edition.



The key new features of this release include:

  • Virtual Device Support: AppStudio now supports for virtual devices running on an Android emulators or iOS Simulator. AppStudio Player can now be launched on the virtual device, which will also be synced with all the app files on the desktop. This provides a convenient way to test your apps on multiple platforms directly from your desktop development environment.


  • Enterprise Logins: Enterprise logins now work on all operating systems supported by AppStudio, by handling OAuth authentication requests from a web base identity manager.


  • Local Make Configuration tool (Advanced Configuration Tool): The new advanced configuration tool streamlines the process of setting up a local build environment and associating AppStudio with an external Qt kit.


  • AppStudio Templates:


  • Map Tour Template: Map Tours can now be sorted either by name or distance from the user, and now supports story map videos directly within the app.
  • Map Viewer Template: Maps can now display map credits, scale, map units, location accuracy and an interactive list of map layers.
  • Quick Report Template: The Quick report template has been redesigned with a new look and feel. It now supports multiple photos in one report, embedding a web map, as well as creating and editing reports when offline.



  • Other Improvements
  • Qt components have now been upgraded to 5.6.2.
  • AppStudio Console now provides a QR code to connect to it through. Player, in turn, now has a barcode scanner.
  • The camera interface is now capable of identifying if camera flash is supported.
  • Various UI improvements have been made to AppStudio Player.




In addition to these there have been many enhancements and bug fixes that have been requested by our users. These are listed here:



Fixed the issue on the about screen of quick report, where the section titled 'access information' is actually displaying the content of field 'credits', instead of the field 'access and use constraints'.


Fixed the issue in which the username string on the Sign Out button gets incorrectly split in the Player menu.


Menu items in the app menu, which opens by clicking the app in the gallery, are no longer truncated.


Menu items in the app category menu, used to filter the apps in the gallery, are no longer truncated.


The message "The selected app is already your device" is now translated


In AppStudio for ArcGIS, configuring a feature search by layer does not apply a graphic pin in the AppStudio Player application.


The Sign In page on player is now localized


Settings page in Player is now translated


Confirmation dialog that appears after downloading an app is not truncated anymore


Fixed the issue in which the confirmation dialog that appears after downloading an app had an incorrect line break between the app name


Corrected the date/time format on the info screen of the app


Fixed the issue in which enabling labels on a feature layer consumed in an AppStudio for ArcGIS application causes the application to crash on 64-bit iOS devices.


If an app is created from the Map Viewer template and using just one webmap, the web map gallery page is skipped and the map is displayed directly.


Translated the string "Downloading" after scanning the QR code in Player


The Settings dialog in AppStudio Desktop is Localized


Enhance the Map Tour template, created using AppStudio for ArcGIS Beta 3, to support playing videos from story maps directly within the app itself.


Add audio functionality to the AppStudio for ArcGIS Map Tour template.


Give the Quick Report template in AppStudio for ArcGIS the ability to access Android's Photo Gallery.


Add the ability to add multiple photos to an AppStudio Quick Report submission