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09-21-2022 08:37 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

Have you stopped the development of Houdini? The combination of cityengine and Houdini will be a great tool. Can you simplify the current installation and deployment process, or record a video file for installation? Thank youbiaozeng_0-1663774512503.png


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11 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @biaozeng,

Thanks for your interest in the Palladio plugin! We have no plans to stop the development in fact the 2.0 beta release will be in the next few weeks with many improvements so stay tuned for that! 🙂

Also, thanks for the feedback regarding the installation process. An installer would definitly be nice, we added this to the list of requested features.

Where you able to install it? Even without an installer the process is quite straight forward, see under installation in the Palladio Quick Start

  • Download latest version
  • Extract the archive into your default houdini folder, usually this in your users document folder, e.g C:\Users\<username>\Documents\houdini18.5
  • Start houdini, if you can create a pldAssign & pldGenerate node inside of the grid node. The installation did work.


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New Contributor III

That's great. Does it support houdini19 now? The documentation only supports 18.5

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Esri Contributor

The Beta 2.0 will support Houdini 18.5/19.0/19.5

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Esri Contributor

hi, the current release does not support houdini 19 but the upcoming 2.0 beta release will support it.

the 1.9.0 release supports houdini 18.5/18.0/17.5 you need to download the zip under "assets" which matches your version.

(I updated my example from above to 18.5)

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New Contributor III

I'm very looking forward to this tool. Can I try the new version? I think I can provide some good suggestions. I use both of these two software developers to make buildings. I'm particularly looking forward to using them together, and using Houdini to supplement the cga of cityengine for more accurate editing and processing of models

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Esri Contributor

We hope to turn the 'develop' branch on Github into a 2.0 beta build in the next couple days, we're currently fixing the last bugs in the reworked pldAssign node.

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New Contributor III


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New Contributor III

just for the record we're now on with Houdini

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Esri Contributor

Houdini 19.5 support is ready in the develop branch 😉