Collector: Add New Records From Search Menu

11-02-2016 04:42 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor III

Currently in Collector (iOS, not certain about Android), you can configure the search box to find records, which is great!  This creates a list of records, allowing users to tap through the list and view record information.  However, if a user wants to edit the record or add a new related record, they need to switch to another menu on the screen and then re-select the record.  This is somewhat confusing, especially because in the Search Results window it the "New" options for related records is available, only nothing happens when you click on it.  Not sure if this is a bug or just not possible. 

The benefit of this is the workflow.  Example:  An inspector searches for all the records along a section of road and needs to create an new inspection for all of them.  With all the records in the search results, they can efficiently move down the list, verifying on the map the highlight record corresponds to the record they are inspecting.

Currently, jumping back and forth between the menus is a little confusing, and kind of defeats the usefulness of the search.