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ArcMap 10.7.1; Can only Select December 30, 1899 in Date Field on Collector/Field Maps

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11-19-2021 11:44 AM
New Contributor II


I have been having an issue while trying to collect data in my AGOL Field Map. The date field I have created no longer allows me to select any other date other than December 30, 1899. I understand that this date is the default date, but cannot figure out why I am no longer able to change the date to a more recent date. When trying to enter a separate date I get the following message "Value is outside the valid range 12/29/1899 05:00PM to 12/29/1899 05:00 PM".


Has anyone had this issue and can provide some insight on possibly where I have gone wrong with setting up my geodatabase? Below are screenshots of my Gdb domain for the Date field as well as the Date Field of the Layer in question:




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1 Solution

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New Contributor II

I have found the solution. I went into the feature layer in my contents of AGOL and went to Data tab, then Fields, then I selected the Date field I am having trouble with and deleted the value range. Once I did this I can now enter in any date I need.

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1 Reply
New Contributor II

I have found the solution. I went into the feature layer in my contents of AGOL and went to Data tab, then Fields, then I selected the Date field I am having trouble with and deleted the value range. Once I did this I can now enter in any date I need.

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