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How do I see my whole map after taking a portion offline in Collector?

01-13-2016 07:05 AM
New Contributor

Hi all!

I am testing Collector and I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but I cannot figure it out.  I took my map offline (a small portion) did some data collection and synced.  That worked great.  Now, the next day, I'd like to download a new area of the map for today's field checks.  I cannot figure out how to access the whole map on my device.  It keeps showing the offline download from yesterday.  I'm using an Android phone.

How do I access the whole map again?

Thank you in advance!

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2 Replies
Regular Contributor

Check out this online documentation,

Scroll to the bottom and see how to manage maps and basemaps.

New Contributor


Thank you so much!  That was my issue.

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