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Prepare for editing existing points - Supervision

08-16-2021 05:47 AM
New Contributor III

I have a household listing that needs both Collector and Survey123.

We already have maps with households/buildings pinpointed with GPS coordinates (points layer)

The enumerator has to go on the ground and make sure that the pinpointed points are indeed households. The enumerator has also to add any additional households not available on the maps.

For each point/HH, the enumerator has to fill a survey (using custom URLs and pop-ups in collector). The pop-up is linked to a survey in survey123.

When finished, the enumerator has to submit the data. Then a supervisor has to pass over a percent of that data sumbitted (in the second day), review it on both collector and survey123.

So how to know in collector what is the feature/point/HH that has a survey filled by the enumerator in survey123? (maybe a different color for the point?!)
Also, can the supervisor open the survey for that point/HH in survey123?

I have read the following thread

But it is not quite what I am looking for since it only covers survey123.
Is there a way to do what I want?

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