Dashboards That Pop: Arcade

12-14-2022 10:56 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
5 7 2,564

Dashboards That Pop: HTML 

Dashboards That Pop: Maps 

Dashboards That Pop: Icons 

Dashboards That Pop: Color 


I’m back with another Dashboards That Pop. Today we’ll be talking about advanced formatting and Arcade. Not an Arcade guru? That’s ok, because neither am I! My brain just isn’t cut-out for scripting in any language, but I do have some easy and versatile Arcade tips to snazz-up your dashboards. If I can do it, then so can you.

Here is our starting dashboard. This dashboard displays USGS Volcano Status data from the Living Atlas. 

Dashboard without any ArcadeDashboard without any Arcade


There is some conditional formatting applied to the indicators that changes the text color if there are any alerts. 

Conditional formatting based on alert numberConditional formatting based on alert number



 Now let’s apply some Arcade to the dashboard. 

Dashboard with ArcadeDashboard with Arcade


The conditional formatting of the indicators has also been taken up a notch by using Advanced formatting. 

Conditional formatting based on alert number.Conditional formatting based on alert number.


Advanced Formatting with Arcade 

You can use Arcade in the table, list, and indicator elements by enabling Advanced Formatting. 

Enable Advanced FormattingEnable Advanced Formatting


Once you enable Advanced Formatting, the Arcade editor will open up. Each of these elements has their own specific return statement that includes all of the configurable portions of the element. Watch how changing the values of various return elements changes the indicator’s appearance.  

Return StatementReturn Statement


💡Tip: If you are unsure of what a specific return element is, add a value and see what changes in the preview.  

You may have noticed that some of the elements in the return statement are a bit grayed out and begin with //. This means that they have been ‘commented out’, and that they are being ignored. You will need to remove the // to use that element.  

Comments off and onComments off and on


If you have an element uncommented, but do not provide a value. The default value will be used. In this example, I have not provided a value for the background color, top text color, top text outline color, middle text color, or middle text outline color. Therefore, the default dashboard theme values for element background color and text colors are used.  



To use default values, you will need to have empty quotes. If you remove the quotes and just leave it completely blank, you will get an error. 

Syntax ErrorSyntax Error


Value Types

Now that we know how the return statement works, let’s look at the different types of values you can use in your return statement. There are three types of values you can add to each individual return element: 

  • Hard-coded values 
  • Data attributes 
  • Arcade variables 


Hard-Coded Values 

These are the most straightforward. Simply add the value you want used in-between quotes. Color elements can use hex codes or HTML color names.  

Hard-Coded ValuesHard-Coded Values


When you hard-code values like this, they will not be dynamic. The value is always what you provided. There are certain situations where this is perfectly fine. I hard-coded the background colors for my conditional return in the example dashboard.  

Hard-Coded Background ColorHard-Coded Background Color


💡Tip: If you are going to be using conditional formatting, turn on conditional formatting FIRST and then enable Advanced formatting. This way, the conditional formatting return statement is created for you. 


Data Attributes 

This is when you’re pulling values straight from your data.  

Data AttributesData Attributes


As your data changes, so does your display. 

Dynamically Changing Attribute DataDynamically Changing Attribute Data


When using attribute data, you do not need to use the quotes, so be sure to remove them before adding your attribute. I always use the Globals pane to add my attributes. That way I don’t have to worry about getting the syntax correct or any typos. 

Globals for the winGlobals for the win


Arcade Variables 

If you want to use values that are not a part of your dataset, but still need them to be dynamic this is the way to go.  

While the alert level has a color value assigned in the data, the threat level does not. If we want to focus on the threat level and have dynamically changing colors that highlight very high threats, we will need to use Arcade to do so.  

I’ll start with a simple when statement. When the threat level is Very High Threat, give me red, otherwise leave it blank.  



When($datapoint.Threat == 'Very High Threat', 'red', '') 




Arcade ExpressionArcade Expression


We have our Arcade statement to dynamically change the color from the default to red when the feature has a Very High threat level. However, we can’t use it anywhere yet, because we have not assigned it to a variable.  

Let’s assign it to a variable called ThreatColor. 



var ThreatColor = When($datapoint.Threat == 'Very High Threat', 'red', '') 




Now wherever we want to use our dynamic color, we simply add ThreatColor. Because it is a variable and not a hard-coded value, we will not need to include it in quotes.  

Arcade Statement with VariableArcade Statement with Variable


If we look at a volcano that doesn’t have a very high threat level, we can see that we do not get the red text. 

Dynamic Arcade VariableDynamic Arcade Variable


Mix and Match

You can mix and match the types of values you are using in the return statement to get exactly the look you want. 

Multiple Value TypesMultiple Value Types


Arcade Attributes 

What if you want to use Arcade to create dynamic values that aren’t used in the predefined configuration options? This is where all those attribute lines in the return statement come into play.  

Let’s start with this simple list. 

Default ListDefault List


💡Tip: Wondering how I got that square icon in there? Read my Icons blog to learn about HTML symbols.

We have two goals: 

  1. Dynamically change the square next to the threat level’s color based on the threat level. 
  2. Turn our observation field into something more usable. 

Let’s enable Advanced formatting to make it happen. 

First, we will make our Arcade expression to create the threat color. We want each threat level to have its own color this time, so we’re just going to add onto the expression we used above. We'll also add a default color to be applied for any other values. 




var ThreatLevel = When( 
        $datapoint.Threat == 'Very High Threat', '#780116', 
        $datapoint.Threat == 'High Threat', '#981e1d', 
        $datapoint.Threat == 'Moderate Threat', '#f7b538', 
        $datapoint.Threat == 'Low Threat', '#1f4d2e', 
        $datapoint.Threat == 'Very Low Threat', '#008040', '#fff1e6') 




Looking at our return statement, we only have a single text color element and if we use it, all of our text changes color. This is not at all what we want.  



Instead of using our ThreatLevel variable in the textColor element. We’ll instead return it as an attribute. 

We will need to uncomment all of the attribute elements, and then add our variable to attribute1. We’ll remove attribute2, as we’re only returning this single attribute.  

Returning AttributesReturning Attributes


We’ve added our ThreatLevel variable to the return statement, but nothing has changed in our list. This is because these attributes are not used unless we explicitly add them.  

The syntax for this is {expression/attributeName} 

We’ll add this to our list so we can see it in action. 

Easy way to see if it's working correctly.Easy way to see if it's working correctly.


So, we know our statement is working. Now we just need to use it to change the box color. To do this, we’ll use the rich text editor to change the text color for just our box. It doesn’t matter what color you pick, as we’re only using the editor so that the HTML syntax is created for us. 

I mean we could always write our own HTML, but why should we?I mean we could always write our own HTML, but why should we?


Now we will use the source button to view the HTML. Look for the hex code that was added and replace it with our ThreatLevel attribute. 

Replace the hex code with your expressionReplace the hex code with your expression


We’ll remove our test attribute from the list and here’s what our list looks like now. 

Ohhhh, facy squares!Ohhhh, facy squares!


Now let’s clean up our Observation field. We will again use a When statement, only this time instead of returning colors, we will return text and our default value will be blank. 



var obs = When( 
        $datapoint.Observation == 'avo', 'Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO)', 
        $datapoint.Observation == 'calvo', 'USGS California Volcano Observatory (CalVO)', 
        $datapoint.Observation == 'cvo', 'USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO)', 
        $datapoint.Observation == 'hvo', 'USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO)', 
        $datapoint.Observation == 'yvo', 'Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO)', '') 




Adding additional attributesAdding additional attributes


Again, we need to return this variable in the attributes section, so we’ll add another attributes line. We could have gone with attribute2, like in their example. However, I find it easier to instead use the variable name. As you get more and more attributes, remembering which one was attribute1 vs attribute4 is hard.  

We will move to the list and replace our Observation field with our new Arcade obs field. 

Aahhhh, nicely formatted text instead of confusing acronymsAahhhh, nicely formatted text instead of confusing acronyms


When() Function 

 You may have noticed that I use When() A LOT. This is because it's so versatile and easy. If you only learn one Arcade function, I recommend it be this one. I use it to dynamically change colors, clean up text fields, and even combine it with other functions.  

Here’s everything that is powered by a When() statement in my example dashboard. 

All of the WhensAll of the Whens


  1. When the Alert Level is ‘X’ provide ‘X’ hex code. 
  2. When the threat level is ‘Low’ provide the Alert Level hex code, otherwise provide a light black color. (Repeat for every threat box) 
  3. When the alert date was less than 24 hours ago, provide a volcano emoji, otherwise leave blank. (Combined with DateDiff) 
  4. When the alert date was less than 24 hours ago, provide the length of time from now in hours, otherwise provide it in days.  (Combined with DateDiff and Concatenate)  
  5. When the Observation Code is ‘X’ provide an easier to understand value.


  💡 Tip: Check out my HTML blog for tips on creating your own status bars.  


Happy Dashboarding!

Esri Contributor

Hi Jennifer,

very interesting topics. There is something that I could not find in your article: is it possible to use conditional formatting based on a value set by the user ? For example, if the dashboard shows a selector, I can use arcade to format an indicator with same calculations that are based on the selected choice(s).




Esri Regular Contributor

@GianniCampanile I'm not entirely sure I understand the question. You can't grab a selected value from a category selector, but that selector can be set to filter your indicator so your Arcade statement is based on the filtered data. 

Esri Contributor

Hi Jennifer,

thank you for your answer. Unfortunately I need to do some calculations that depend on the selected value and not directly on data, so as far as I can understand actually it's not possible.

I am not the only one asking for this (there are a couple of similar qquestions on the community) so I think that could be a great idea and add much more flexibility to the dashboard.



Esri Regular Contributor


I am not on the product team, so I don't really have much sway on any of that. I'm just a PS Technical Consultant that likes to share tips 😜. I would recommend making a post in ArcGIS Ideas.

New Contributor II

Hello very interesting your article as I just need to create an indicator that shows the level of risk but I try to follow the steps and I find that I do not know how to generate the indicator to read a text field, ie, I need to replicate what you do here.


I have doubts because in the arcade expesiones only allows me to set a $datapoint of type Value. Could you help me?

Esri Regular Contributor


You need to set your Indicator Value type to Feature. Pick any number field in your data to set as the value field. 



Then on the Indicator tab, replace the value field with your text field.



You might want to change the maximum number of features displayed to 1, so you don't have the arrows to flip through all your data. 



New Contributor II

Thanks so much

About the Author
I'm a Technical Consultant that focuses on app configuration with a little Geospatial Strategy and Governance thrown in.