Is it possible to use names instead of index numbers for arcpy parameters?

08-23-2023 10:55 AM
New Contributor

I'm currently creating a toolbox where I have ~50 input parameters for each script and I'm having a lot of trouble keeping everything in order despite the actual script being not too complex. Right now I'm using a custom function that allow me to get the index number of a parameter by giving its name in the parameters menu, but this is certainly slowing down my scripts. I could probably find a way to just have it call the list of parameters once at the beginning of the script and assign them later, but I'd really just like to use a built in function if that's an option.

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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Therre isn't a built in method other than to assign the name

Parameter—ArcGIS Pro | DocumentationParameter—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

... sort of retired...
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MVP Frequent Contributor

Not builtin, but for my Python toolboxes, I usually use a small function that converts a list of arcpy.Parameter  into a dictionary with the parameter names as keys and the parameter objects or their value attributes as values:

def parameters_as_dict(parameters, only_values=False):
    if only_values:
        return { p.value for p in parameters}
    return { p for p in parameters}

class Tool:
    def updateParameters(self, parameters):
        par = parameters_as_dict(parameters)
#        parameters[15].enabled = False
        par["p_name"].enabled = False

    def execute(self, parameters, messages):
        par = parameters_as_dict(parameters, True)
#        x = parmeters[15].value
        x = par["p_name"]


You can do the same thing in the ToolValidator class and in the execute script of a script tool.

class ToolValidator:
    def __init__(self):
#        self.params = arcpy.GetParameterInfo()
        self.params = { p for p in arcpy.GetParameterInfo()}

    def initializeParameters(self):
#        self.params[3].enabled = False
        self.params["p_name"].enabled = False


# execution script
import arcpy

def execute(parameter_dict):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parameters = { p.value for p in arcpy.GetParameterInfo()}

Have a great day!
New Contributor III

@JohannesLindner that's the kind of simple and innovative approach I was looking for! Honestly, I can't believe I haven't thought of that before. Bravo.

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