Attributtabelle / Attributetable

12-04-2014 01:43 PM
New Contributor

Hey guys,


I'm totally new to arcgis and I need to do some work with it:


I have the map of Finland and also some layers of the naturetypes of the different types of seas of the whole country. Also I got another layer-data of the southwest of the country. In both layers are attributtables given, but the difference is, that in the only in the layers-data of the whole finland are the different types with the shape area and shape len etc given, but theres nothing marked, which sea is part of southeast-finland. What I can see so far, is, that there are just two relationship between the two attributtables: the shape area and the shape len(gth?). So I would like to just get the attributtable with the data of southeast of finland. I was thinking about "relate" those tables, but I just got the first table with one empty line...


So: if someone could tell me what to do, I would be really thankful.

And it would be even more helpful when it would be in german




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