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ArcGIS Desktop licence

04-18-2023 03:55 AM
New Contributor II

Dear all

I downloaded an ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 through my university account and cannot authorize and put the suitable license for that.

Please help me.

Kind regards,


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12 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hello.  Your instructor should be able to provide this to you.  Also, I would not imagine they are providing student copies of ArcMap, given it will deprecate very soon.  I would recommend you call the student software number at 1-800-447-9778.

Occasional Contributor

At my college, both ArcMap and ArcPRO are used by students. I am a an Esri Editor for both versions and there is value to both.In my opinion, ArcMap provides the student with a more disciplined structure to visual databases. ArcMap users are more conscious of the constructing maps from data elments. They need to create the mxd and create a gdb. ArcPRO, on the other hand, using a a more menu-driven intuitive menu. Students seem to have more problems with file management, loss of files and broken links than ArcMap users. But ArcPRO has more bells and whistles and is very compatible with ArcGIS Online. In short, there is value to both. In reality, ArcMap will be deprecated very soon.

New Contributor II

I installed the licence.exe in the same version , but still it does not work.

Occasional Contributor

Were you provided with a single user or a concurrent user license? The concurrent user license uses a license manager. Usually a license manager is associated with a server installation. Can you request a single user license from your administration?  The license will be 12 characters in length. It will begin with a ESU and have 9 additional digits.

New Contributor II

I got permission and they send me a link then I installed the ArcMap desktop 10.8.2 and then I installed the licence.exe on the same page. BUT ...

If it is possible let me know how can I contact you in private, maybe bothering other colleagues as a beginner 🙂

Occasional Contributor

Good to hear that you got the license installed. All of us started as beginners. Please use the Esri community for questions. The Esri Community is a great resource.We all began as beginners. We all benefit from helping others and reading how other Esri users solve a problem.


New Contributor II

Thanks again.

As I said I got the license.exe but it also does not work

Occasional Contributor

When you get the proper license file, it will have the extension .PRVS.  That will run on a license authorization tool.  If you open it and look at the text the license number should be ESU as the first 3 characters.  I also want to clarify that yes sure, there is still value in ArcMap.  However at my company there no longer is.  Our processes and security measures are the primary reasons.  For students, Pro should be a focus IMO, but they will likely get a job with a mixed environment or perhaps one of those places that refuses to embrace Pro.  Unfortunately, there is a schedule where ESRI will no longer support that so the risk is do you want to operate there.  Best of luck to all!

New Contributor III


We can all learn by your process, please feel free to post here on this. Thanks.


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