Change Portal symbol for unshared content

03-19-2019 09:44 PM
Status: Implemented
New Contributor III

Currently the symbol for unshared content in portal is a locked lock : 

Please change this as it is not intuitive and implies 'locked' content.

It should be something like a red exclamation symbol 

by Anonymous User

Hi Colin,

Thanks for posting. These icons have been updated in ArcGIS Online and will be in a future release of ArcGIS Enterprise.

Here is a screenshot when sharing:

The updated sharing dialog

And from the content tab:

Icon when sharing just to the owner

Instead of the lock, the icon will now be a silhouette, indicating only the owner can see that item.

Status changed to: Implemented

As Hilary mentioned previously, the symbol used for content that is unshared has changed, and is now a silhouette symbol. This was first implemented in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1.