ArcGIS Server Statistics 10.1

06-18-2012 05:45 AM
New Contributor

In earlier ArcGIS versions I used server statistics. .NET C# Code looked like this:

IGISServerConnection connection = new GISServerConnectionClass();
IServerStatistics stats = (IServerStatistics)connection.ServerObjectAdmin;
IStatisticsResults statsResults = stats.GetAllStatisticsForTimeInterval(....);

Using this code I got server statistics and analyzed it (usage time, wait time, creation time).
In AGS 10.1 this is not working. Is it possible to get this information in AGS 10.1?
Of course, I can analyze and get statistics from logs using REST, but maybe there are another methods how to get statistics?
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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor
In 10.1, you can use the REST Admin API to access this type of information.

Here is a sample.
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MVP Frequent Contributor
"..At 10.1, you can no longer use ArcObjects remotely (via DCOM); this way of interacting with ArcGIS for Server is no longer supported. If you are using GISServerConnection in the Server library or AGSServerConnection in the GISClient library in your code, these need to be removed if you are working with ArcGIS for Server 10.1 ..."

for further details see
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MVP Frequent Contributor
in 10.3 will be available ArcGIS for Server services statistics: "...A new dashboard within the ArcGIS Server Manager for administrators to monitor the activity and usage of services..."
see: (section ArcGis Server)
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