ArcGIS Service not working after changing IP address

10-17-2014 12:24 AM
New Contributor III

Dear all,


I have built an ArcGIS website that is hosted in our internal virtual machine. These is the list of what we have in the virtual machine:

1. ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.2, which includes: ArcCatalog, ArcMap and ArcSDE.

2. ArcGIS Server 10.2.2, with Web Adapter.

3. IIS 7.5.

4. SQL Server Express.



The website consumes 3 services (2 map services and 1 feature service) and is stored on an internal virtual machine. When the virtual machine was still set inside the internal network, all the things run smoothly. The services run OK, the website was perfect too. But after the IT team changed the IP to be able to be accessed from the external, the arcgis services were dead. Every time the network is changed to internal, the services are on and the website run OK. But every time the IT team changes the IP that accessible from external, the services are down. Even the embeded service example from the ESRI is dead.



Maybe I need to let you know more about the services I have. I have got 2 MXD files: comment.mxd and layer.mxd. Layer.mxd contains 8 feature layers and is published as a normal Map Service. Whereas the comment.mxd contains only 1 layer, a point feature that is stored in a SQL server express database and connected to the MXD file with ArcSDE. The geodatabase was created by ArcCatalog. The comment.mxd was then published as a Map Service and a Feature service.



Now, every time the network is set for external, the arcgis services are dead. When the machine is set back inside internal network, the services are always back alive again.



Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this problem? Is it something to do with the ports? Do I need to set something on the virtual machine first so the services can run for external? Any ideas are much appreciated.



Thank you.

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11 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Hello, we need to do a similar thing:

We want to make one of our internal Windows servers with ArcGIS 10.2.2 and WebAdaptor on virtual machine public. To do that, we need to change the IP address because only certain range of IP addresses can be public in our organization.

Some time ago we destroyed one of our ArcGIS Server sites by changing the computer name. Long story short, we were unable to recover the site on that machine despite our attempts based on existing forum threads.

Can this happen again when we change the IP address?

Do you have any advice for me?


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New Contributor III

I believe the step to perform is to re-run the ArcGIS Server post install process again.

Here is a kb article, though it mentions 9.2, I believe the process is similar.

34514 - Reconfigure ArcGIS Server 9.2 .NET after the host name has been changed

Edit: Found this link in the help that may be useful, looks like you may need to reconfigure web adapter after a machine name/IP change like this. Hope this helps 

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Occasional Contributor III

It seems this changing of server IP address when going live is a fairly common thing and yet any response or help I found so far is inconclusive.

Thanks for the links, Daniel. I wouldn't expect version 10.2.2 work like 9.2 but it is at  least some indication. More importantly though, it all talks about machine name, not an IP address.

Has anyone swapped the IP address before without any problems? I haven't used the IP address myself while installing and configuring the server.


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New Contributor III


This is a bit of a tricky situation for this issue. So to simplify lets take it apart into possible causes of the issue. Generally speaking changing the IP address is supported and should not cause any real long term damage to the machine.

That being said, it is important to note that there are a few ways to do this that can break the install completely, especially on Virtual Machines. In some Virtual Machine environments there is a method to update or change the DNS and IP Address settings that also changes the machine IDs and MAC Address of the VM. This will absolutely break the install of ArcGIS Server. I would check with the VM Admin to make sure this is not what was done to the machines to update the IP Addresses.

Please let us know how it goes and if we can be of any further assistance.


New Contributor

Hi Patrick,

I know I'm replying to a really old post but I was wondering if you could tell me anything about how the MAC address is used in ArcGIS Server.  Is it stored within a configuration file somewhere so that it could be updated?  Or if the MAC address changes should I just consider the installation hosed and try to reinstall?

Unfortunately it's just not a topic I've been able to find too much about.



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New Contributor III

Unfortunately I don't have any additional information about how the ArcGIS Server uses the MAC address of the machine or where it is stored. As far as modifying the internal config files, this would be outside the scope of Esri Support and would result in an unsupported environment. I would avoid modifying files internal to the ArcGIS Server infrastructure.

New Contributor

Ok – I kind of figured we would need to re-install the software but I thought it would be worth asking. Thanks!

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Occasional Contributor III

Hi all, after some more thinking and digging around in the server configuration files we went ahead and changed the IP address. After rebooting the machine and configuring the Web Adaptor again everything worked as expected.

I think that because we used computer names while installing the ArcGIS Server and creating ArcGIS Server site, we didn't run into any problems. The only config file where I found the IP address was related to Web Adaptor and that file was updated with the right details after Web Adaptor was configured again (as if it was after fresh installation).

Before changing the IP, it is very important to consider the point raised by Patrick Jackson above, that in some virtual environments DNS and IP settings may affect machine IDs and MAC addresses. That would indeed break the installation but luckily it was not our case.

Suggestions to re-run post installation appear often forums, but I think that is relevant only for versions prior to 10.1 because, as far as I know, 10.1+ have no such post installation process.

Note that this does not answer questions around changing the computer name, I think that is a different matter since computer name appears in several places in the config files.

Regards, Filip.

Occasional Contributor III


I have run into the same problem.

I had a development VMWorkstation box setup running Porta/Server/Data Store and two wa.

We moved it up to the sphere and it worked with two exceptions:

Biggest problem, the Data Store would not run.  I keep getting an error message about unable to connect to which is the old IP address when running on my desktop.  I searched every file in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS looking for the IP address and besides some log file, I only found it in: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\DatabaseSupport\dsconnections.lst  so, I changed it there to no effect.

I haven't been able to find any docs about how to modify an IP address and there was no real response to these messages.  As you point out, I cannot find any Post Install process as per older Server versions.

I did a complete uninstall/reinstall but after the fact, was told that there is a file in DataStore:

C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore\framework\etc\

In that file, preferredidentifier should be set to hostname.  Mine was set to ip.

Perhaps this will help others.  I suspect if I had changed this, all would have been working.

FYI, the common problems for 10.3.1 is now at: Common problems and solutions—Documentation (10.3 and 10.3.1) | ArcGIS for Server