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bug? (ERROR 001170: The reduced study area polygon is too small for analysis.)

10-26-2012 12:48 PM
Occasional Contributor III
I've got several mxd's that I'm publishing with all their layers off by default and get the below error.  The services publish anyway but are stopped.  I simply start them and they are good to go. 

I would be great not to get this error though.

Executing (Publish Service Definition): PublishServiceDefinition ... # 
Start Time: Fri Oct 26 14:42:39 2012
Validating publish options.
Connecting to the server.
Getting basic item metadata for service definition upload.
Getting server information (server folders, data stores, etc.).
Extracting manifiest from uploaded service definition.
Validating service definition.
Determining service's input folder name.
Attempt to find service's input folder.
Creating the service.
ERROR 001170: The reduced study area polygon is too small for analysis.
Failed to execute (UploadServiceDefinition).
Failed at Fri Oct 26 14:42:41 2012 (Elapsed Time: 3.00 seconds)
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24 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
I've got several mxd's that I'm publishing with all their layers off by default and get the below error.  The services publish anyway but are stopped.  I simply start them and they are good to go. 

I would be great not to get this error though.

Executing (Publish Service Definition): PublishServiceDefinition ... # 
Start Time: Fri Oct 26 14:42:39 2012
Validating publish options.
Connecting to the server.
Getting basic item metadata for service definition upload.
Getting server information (server folders, data stores, etc.).
Extracting manifiest from uploaded service definition.
Validating service definition.
Determining service's input folder name.
Attempt to find service's input folder.
Creating the service.
ERROR 001170: The reduced study area polygon is too small for analysis.
Failed to execute (UploadServiceDefinition).
Failed at Fri Oct 26 14:42:41 2012 (Elapsed Time: 3.00 seconds)

We ran into this same issue today.  Real small mapping service.  Its got about 20 GIS features (20 rows all are point geometry type) that are stored in a FDGB on a fileshare.  Data is registered with the server (not copying).  This is a distributed GIS Site with 2 load balanced web-adaptors, and 4 GIS servers (2 clusters with 2 servers each).  Administration is disabled at the web-adaptors and we are publishing from one of the servers in the GIS site.  restarting (stopping/starting) the Publishing Tools GP service did not fix it. 

I've got 3 other mapping services that are all about the same size and they all worked just fine. 

Anyone else with this issue??:confused:
0 Kudos
New Contributor III
I'm also getting the same error.

We have a 4 machine site (web adaptor, 2 gis servers and a staging server).  I'm guessing this is a 10.1 bug that has to do with multiple machine clusters...  there seems to be a few of them with this version of ArcServer.

Deleting the service and republishing the service seems to be a work-around.

If anyone from ESRI could chime it, it would be appreciated!
0 Kudos
New Contributor II
I'm getting the same error with many of my services on 10.2.

We're also running a multiple machine cluster -- two GIS servers with no Web Adaptor installed yet. I've noticed that the problem persists even if I shut down one of the servers, though.
0 Kudos
Esri Contributor
Did anyone get a fix for this? Currently having the same problem with ArcGIS Server 10.2.

Multi-Machine deployment with 2 AGS machines and no Web Adapter.

0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

I had the same problem today  in a  multiple machine 10.2 cluster environment...two GIS Servers and one web adaptor,

my workaround for that situation was to save the MXD with a smaller extent instead of the Full Extent and then publish the MXD ,


António Sérgio
0 Kudos
New Contributor III
We ran into this bug recently, ArcGIS Server 10.1 SP1. Similar to most of the Server configurations in this thread, we do have two GIS Server machines.

We managed to get fix this by removing one of the machines from the Server Site Manager (Site->machines->hit the X button next to one of the machines). Then we simply run the publishing again, after it was succeeded, we joined the machine back to the site.

A workaround to get you up and running until Esri fix it or provide the cause of the problem.
0 Kudos
New Contributor III
I experienced the same error.

Resolved by changing the scale from 15mil to 24k.
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Experienced the same error today-16th Aug. 2014

Resolved by changing data frame coordinate system from a local coordinate system (LO25) to web mercator auxilliary sphere.

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New Contributor III

Thought I would add my two cents in case anyone from ESRI looks in on this post.

Ran into this issue for the first time after publishing many other services successfully using 10.2.1

Like others, the error comes up when publishing to our production site with multiple servers.  However, our development cluster also has 2 machines, and I can publish to that with no problem. Another difference is that we are publishing image services rather than map services from an MXD.  Services are already in Web Mercator, so that isn't the issue.

As others have experienced, the service does eventually start up and run as expected, but some explanation of the error message would be nice.  Has anyone who has submitted a ticket ever heard anything definitive?


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