Feature Service Webhook

03-22-2024 07:00 AM
New Contributor III

Hi all,

I'm trying to set up a Feature Service Webhook in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1. The webhook should send a POST request to a custom receiver when a feature is created. Setting up the webhook is possible, but when I create a feature there isn't any request sent.

I tested with the same custom receiver and an ArcGIS Online webhook. In this situation the post request is sent correctly. I assume that it can't be related to CORS since it works in this situation and I also added the hostname of my ArcGIS Enterprise server as an allowed origin to my custom receiver's web server (Apache). And I'm able to send a post request to the custom receiver from the ArcGIS GIS server machine manually.

Port 443 is open in the ArcGIS Enterprise network. The whole ArcGIS Enterpise installation is behind a KEMP reverse proxy/load balancer.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

I'd turn debug logs on in the server. Perform your feature service action (add feature), and then check the logs. You should see messages specific to webhooks. Based on your explanation it sounds like you will NOT see the webhook dispatched message. But you might see errors or other log messages that could be helpful.

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New Contributor III

Thanks for the reply @KevinHibma! Unfortunately there aren't any debug logs related to this service after performing the feature service action (create feature).

I found the following documentation which could be relevant in this case:

  • 25672 and 44369 (TCP)—These ports must be available (free) on the relational data store machines because service webhooks require them.
  • 45671 and 45672 (TCP)—These ports on the relational data store machines must be available to allow communication with the ArcGIS GIS Server sites because service webhooks require them.

I checked these ports and they aren't open yet.


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