Portal Allow Origins Web App Builder Redirect

07-07-2019 02:39 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hi all,

I've just upgraded my Web App Builder to version 2.12 and have associated it with my Portal that is running 10.6.1.

I can successfully open Web App Builder and create a project however only when I don't enter values in the Portals Security Allow Origins field.

This seems to be at odds with the following technical document https://support.esri.com/en/technical-article/000018879 that suggest that Web App Builder won't work unless your machinename.domain is added to the Allow Origins white list ?

If I add the domain name of the machine to the Allow Origins I get a continuous login redirect when I try to approve access to the portal.

I was going to add the following to the Allow Origins to restrict CORS requests -  my domain e.g. https://xyz.com 

any machines that have web app builder installed https://machine1name.domain https://machine2name.domain

Rebecca Strauch, GISP you did you ever add Allow Origins to AGOL as per this thread https://community.esri.com/thread/175351




2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Hi Clinton, I've been "offline" GIS wise for about a year.  Just starting to look at things again, so I'm not at a point that I can answer your question.  It's amazing how much changes in a year.

Occasional Contributor

Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for the reply. Welcome back to GIS !

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