Remapping Output Directory to External IP (10.1)

07-05-2012 11:28 PM
Occasional Contributor III
Just a quick dumb question for 10.1 - haven't found it in help yet.

How do you remap the virtual directory of the output (and other) directories so the output in the rest is being published to an external address...

Not the internal machines name but what it appears if we're using an external url?    

ie.  http://internalmachinename:6080/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/....

I'm using the webadaptor and the firewall can only go through port 80....(another note, do I need to open port 6080 as well?)

10.0 wasn't that hard.
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7 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Any help on this one?
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Occasional Contributor III
Any help on this one?

No.  I've rolled back to 10.0 till I can get this worked out.

Other people have said it does it automatically.  

We could be a special case, we did have trouble with 10 and SSL and firewalls/load balancers.
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Occasional Contributor
Oh ok, yeah well that's right after you install the web adaptor I thought it should handle this re-direct for you and with most servers I've worked with it does, however sometimes it doesn't and I'm working on a server at the moment where the arcgisjobs directory is coming out as:

And yeah at 10.0 you could change this in the ArcGIS Server properties, but at 10.1 you can't. I remember a colleague of mines fixed this using URL-redirect. Anyway, I'm looking into it.
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Occasional Contributor
Managed to fix this issue using URL-rewrite, check out my post here:

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New Contributor

Did you ever get any satisfactory resolution on this?  We're dealing with the same issue, where we can't find a place to modify the URL that's returned in JSON output from ArcGIS Server map export requests.

I have discovered, entirely accidentally, that ArcGIS Server 10.1 can automatically change that URL for you, to match the URL that you used to make the original export request.

We have a couple of reverse proxy servers and firewalls in front of our ArcGIS Server (AGS) box, but enough of the original export URL seems to be getting to AGS for it to change the URL in the JSON output to match.  I'll speculate that the info is coming in on the HTTP headers, so your reverse proxy(s) probably needs to preserve those.

In our case the URL in the JSON is a bit mangled right now, but is very close.  Working to fix that now.

I sure wish this behavior was documented somewhere.  Anyone?

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Occasional Contributor
Yeah we resolved it by installing the IIS re-write module and writtng some rules to change the URLs etc. It was a bit of a pain, but got it working in the end. It was also a bit slower using the IIS re-write rules.
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Occasional Contributor
Can you show me your URL re-write module?  I have the same problem.  Can't view it on external network.  I wish have document on ESRI site to show the steps.  Thanks.
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