REST service missing features when published

10-06-2014 11:45 AM
Occasional Contributor III

Running version 10.2 of Server.

Created .mxd of desired data.  See the "ArcMap" image attached. Published as a "regular" map service (not a Feature Service).  When I preview the published service in ArcCatalog (see the "ArcCatalog" image attached), a number of my features are missing.  The attached image has red circles surrounding a few of the areas where this is occurring.

Joins are involved with this map service, but wouldn't all of the features fail to display if the join was at issue?  The display in ArcMap is the result of a query definition where a particular field of the joined table is not NULL.

I've looked at the data in the features that are not showing up in the published service and compared it to the data in the features that do show up and cannot see anything unusual.

Has anyone seen this behavior before?  Any ideas on how best to troubleshoot?

Thanks in advance,


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4 Replies
New Contributor II

How many features are in this map service? When you publish a map service, there is a default setting to return a maximum of 1000 features from the server, which can make it look like data is missing. This is set to 1000 by default for performance reasons, but can be changed on the parameters tab when publishing the service (or from server manager).

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Occasional Contributor III


With the definition query in place, there are 66 features, so well under the 1000 record default limit. But just in case ArcGIS was applying the def. query somehow after I think it logically should, I bumped the record limit to 20000--that, too, is well beyond even the total number of parcels in the dataset.  After re-publishing I still get the odd behavior of dropped features.


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Occasional Contributor III

what happens if you query it using the REST HTML interface for one of these records:

e.g. change this url to your services: 

Then type in a 'Where' clause that returns a record you cannot see. Does this show any results for the query? 

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Occasional Contributor III


This is a blast from the past! I abandoned the "train of thought" that this map service was focused on and we went with a different but slightly less efficient process to achieve the same result. The overall task has since evolved further so we no longer have the same need.

I cannot recall whether I attempted any queries against the map service via the REST services pages, but that is typically one of my first troubleshooting points in my attempts to isolate where the issue might lie. However, since I neglected to mention it in my posts it is likely that I didn't. Definitely something to try if this ever comes up again! Thanks for responding.

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