Change the size of the pop-up

12-08-2023 11:27 AM
Occasional Contributor II

Hi community


When i'm on the arcgis Map viewer and click on one of my feature, i have the pop-up with a correct size, but in my experience builder, when i launch my app and click on one feature, the pop-up is too small to see the essential of the information.


There is any possibility to change the size to the pop-up ? 


Thanks 😉

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2 Replies
New Contributor III

Are you using an AGOL-hosted experience or the developer edition?   For AGOL experiences, there is a Feature Info Widget, but I don't know that it connects to multiple layers, so if you want to do what you're describing for multiple layers with it, it could get complicated.

If you have the EXB developer edition and want a custom widget that you can use across multiple layers to achieve this, I would recommend Robert Scheitlin's Feature Panel Widget.  It can be placed to the side of the map, configured to take up as much vertical space as you want, and will display popups from multiple layers in one view without a user having to click through them.

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Occasional Contributor II

I know the Feature Info Widget but is not what I need because many of my users use only the map widget. So they want to access of the feature info by clicking on the feature and read the pop-up.


BUT, the Feature Panel Widget that you share to me seems good because he's hide and pop only by clicking on a feature. The Feature Info widget can't be hide if you don't click on a feature. 

The good news, I use the developer edition so i'm going to try this widget. Thanks 🙂 I will back to you if it good for me 🙂


If anyone have another solution, idea of how to resize the popup by setting or modify .JS file on the server, I'm interested. 

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